Ethics, Society & Politics

BioTerrorism Will Save Your Life with the 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective

Saal 1
Dr. Mixæl Swan Laufer
Governments have criminalized the practice of managing your own health. Despite the fact that for most of human history bodily autonomy, and self-managed health was the norm, it is now required that most aspects of your health must be mediated by an institution deputized by the state. Taking those rights back for yourself is then labeled "BioTerrorism". So be it. Let's learn how.
We all know that custom, hand-made, artisan-crafted, boutique tools are always better than something factory made. A guitar, a wood chisel, a chef's knife, a built racing engine, a firearm, a suit, a pair of shoes. Given that this is so well-known, and so universally understood, it's peculiar at best that this is not seen by most people when it comes to medicine. It is however also true. Given, however, that the traditional rôle of pharmacists who used to have the freedom to compound custom medicines for the people they were serving has been revoked, and now despite their extensive training, have been limited to being able to do little more than count pills in most cases, we have to do this ourselves. The problem is that this has been criminalized. The moment you stop groveling for permission from medical authorities, and start becoming actively involved in managing your own health, you are a criminal in most countries in the world. Practicing medicine without a license, manufacture of drugs, possession of laboratory tools, possession of precursor chemicals... the list of felonies goes on. The choice is yours. Would you like to be the sickest law-abiding citizen, or the healthiest BioTerrorist? If you want the red pill, you'll have to manufacture it yourself. The blue pill is prescription-only, and if you manage to get a prescription, and you're rich maybe you can afford to buy it. Come learn about the long list of medications which went through the research and development processes, but are never going to be commercially available. Learn how to find more of these, and learn the many ways you can make them yourself.

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