
How to Fight Authoritarianism – Lessons Learned from Hong Kong

Stage 1
Nathan Law, Katharin Tai
Authoritarianism is on the rise in many countries all over the world. In times like these we must remember the values and freedoms we hold most dear and fight to protect our democracies.  Katharin Tai and Nathan Law are going to speak about the Hong Kong protests and and what we can learn from them in this regard.
Authoritarianism is on the rise. We can see this trend all over the world - be it in China under Xi Jinping, in Russia under Putin, and even when we look at the anti-democratic practices by western politicians such as Victor Orban and former US president Donald Trump. Dictators deprive citizens of their basic human rights, the right to choose the government they believe in, the right to free speech, and in some cases even the right to freedom of movement. In times like these we must remember the values and freedoms we hold most dear and fight to protect our democracies.  In 2020, Beijing imposed a draconian national security law that gave it broad new powers to punish critics and silence dissenters. It put an end to life as Hong Kongers knew it.  Nathan Law was one of the student leaders, politicians and lawmakers at the forefront of fighting against China´s aggression and suppression. He now lives in exile in London and recently published his first book with the title "Freedom: How We Lose It and How We Fight Back". In this session, Katharin Tai is going to discuss with Nathan how we can fight against authoritarianism and for our freedom and democracies. 

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Type In Conversation With
Language English

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