Declarative and Minimalistic Computing

A few patterns (and one antipattern) you might see only in Raku

A few constructs that might make Raku interesting for programmers of big & small languages alike
Juan Julián Merelo
Raku is a multi-paradigm language, that is able to do meta-programming, declarative, object-oriented programing as well as many other specific features. At 5 years, it's still a young language, but some patterns are emerging that make it quite suitable for practicing your programming chops, or embark in some side project. In this talk we will introduce some interesting programming patterns that are seen, possibly, nowhere else, from "grammaroles" through "piggybacking objects". On the other hand, for a language where TIMTOWDI, there is more than one way to do it, talking about antipatterns might look paradoxical. So let's see how we get out of this catch-22 situation.
Raku was created as a language for the next 100 years by its creator, Larry Wall, and as such it incorporates most of the paradigms tha modern language use, from a very extensive Unicode foundation, to a more classic, but still new at heart, approach to functional programming. It's this mix and match of programming paradigms that make it unique, and it's also what has provoked the emergence of certain programming patterns that solve unique problems in an interesting way. This arises as much from its design, as from its implementation, which uses Raku itself for most of it. Anyway, this talk will be about a short introduction to some Raku features, followed by a few programming patterns exemplified in Raku and in the closest you can get in other, modern languages. The main objective of the talk is to pique the curiosity about this language, which is still new, and its interesting, diverse and enthusiastic community.

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