
This Is What Solidarity Looks Like — Emergent Practices from the Decentralized Co-operative Web

Zoom Room 4A
Mai Ishikawa Sutton
Platform co-operatives, social enterprises, and nonprofits are building out various components of the decentralized web (dweb) stack — from open hardware to p2p applications. The most exciting developments are coming out of close collaborations and partnerships. DWeb projects that are stewarded by more than one organization are that much more resilient because they can rely on partners’ respective networks and resources. The strength of decentralized systems comes from the interdependence of its parts. This is especially true when it comes to the Web, where interoperability is key. But collaboration isn’t easy. It takes time, resources, and a whole lot of trust and communication. This session will share case studies of organizations working together to build open, decentralized platforms and protocols. Presenters will share lessons (including those learned the hard way) from our work building DWeb projects, and half of the hour will be a facilitated discussion with participants.

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Type Discussion - Capped
Language English